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About Us

The company is well set up with latest machineries for quality product manufacturing. Our products are rated best in the category and well accepted in the Indian as well as global market. You can count on us for consistency, integrity and dependability because we stake our reputation on it.

We are very much pleased to offer a wide range of Plastic processing machinery, backed by rich stock of Experience for more than three Decades in manufacturing High Quality Products & Innovative Technology. As a Manufacturing Industry, our commitment to customers satisfaction is perfect quality, on schedule deliveries, competitive prices and pro-active personal touch.

Our emphasis is not only great quality and fine workmanship but also a clear priority to meet the customer need and delivery schedule each time , every time. We are committed to fulfill the customer need and work towards providing quality product that can be provided at the best price in its category.

We at eQuest are committed to develop and produce the products that are user friendly and environment friendly considering the cost and quality, to deliver the best to the end user.

We also consider our employees to be partners in our business and work together to produce healthy working environment so that company and the employees can grow together for a better tomorrow.

More than the financial value we earn, we count on our customers and always work to reach towards every sector of the plastic industry, catering the needs of product as well as raw material manufcturers. Our dream is to provide the solutions that will meet the demands of every plastic processing unit of the global market as well as society as a whole by means of plastic waste management solutions .

Present Age is Very Very Competitive and only thing which is Constant about Todays Market is CHANGE, We at eQuest, Consistently Change Ourselves and Our Products, to be in Tune with the changing time. Changes are in the Fields of Technology, Methodology, Materials, and Human Resources so on and so forth!!!

As a result of our Endless Efforts, constant research and development as well as Technological Upgradations, We THE TEAM OF eQUEST are very much pleased to offer a wide range of all new machineries , backed by rich stock of Experience for more than three Decades, in Manufacturing High Quality Products, Innovative Technology, Dedicated Teamwork and Customer Satisfaction. These all Factors have steadily built our Company's Success.

As a Manufacturing Industry, our commitment to customers satisfaction as well as towards society, is in more ways than one, accepting challenges of customers, aggressive development of new and innovative products, perfect quality, on schedule deliveries, competitive prices and pro-active personal touch, and to provide economically viable effective solutions for waste management.